I had never heard of using glycerin in laundry detergent before so I looked up the reason why I would want to put it in. According to several websites, glycerin is a great stain remover. I couldn't find any information about if it needs to be in liquid or solid form, but I really wasn't searching that hard. I have solid glycerin on hand and I was to lazy to drive around town to try and find it in liquid form.
Basic Laundry Detergent with Glycerin #6
You Will Need:
2.5 gallons Water (hot)
1 Bar soap (grated)
3/4 cup Washing Soda
3/4 cup Borax
2 TBS Glycerin
Melt grated soap over medium-low heat topped with water, stir until melted. In a large pail, pour 2.5 gallons of hot water, add melted mixture, washing soda, borax and glycerin. Mix well. Use 1/2 cup per full load.
I put the glycerin and soap in a food processor to grate it, then I melted them both over heat.
I mixed all the ingredients, and when it cooled it had formed into a fairly solid block of gel
I gave it a good stir and got thinner gel that was easier to work it.
The Verdict: One of my biggest gripes about the basic laundry detergent is that it separates so you have to mix it up really good before each use. This mixture never separated. It stayed in the same gel state the whole time. My assumption is the glycerin had something to do with that.
It also worked really well. The clothes were really clean and didn't have any residue on them. And the glycerin did great with stains.
My daughter split her head open and left some lovely blood spots on my shirt. 24 hours later I threw that shirt into the wash with no pre-treating. The blood spots were completely gone.
7 laundry detergents tested, 1 more to go.
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Thank you for sharing of this post. It is interesting how glycerin detergent helps to do laundry and remove blood stain. I am looking for blood stain removal servies for my sofa. Hope there will be some tips regarding this :D
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ReplyDeleteIf you have a laundry service, do not try to free yourself from the dye. The painting may also be modified or the paint may be discarded. Nevertheless, when the water is pumped into the cloth, blast not but brush. Normally, flushing water or soda is good!